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Fall Seed Exchange @ Blooming Ranch

  • Free Plant N Garden Stands a Family Foundation 25646 North 7th Avenue Phoenix, AZ, 85085 United States (map)

Download the blooming Ranch FREE Seed Cards here:

Saving garden seeds is an essential part of gardening. It allows us to preserve plant varieties that do the best in our unique environments. Additionally, saving seeds gives us self-reliance and promotes a local food community as well as long-term food security.

Sharing seeds and cuttings is a time-honored way of connecting one garden to another through a string of friendships, stories, and gatherings.

Come share your seeds or just come home with some. We want to share the bounty of our gardens with each other.

Free Activities include:
• Making Plant Markers
• Painting Garden Signs
• Learning Plant Propagation
• Making Seed Envelopes

We will have the Free Seed Table as well. You can learn all about our exciting organization that you can be a part of to help encourage gardening throughout your neighborhood.

Feel free to contact us for more info.

September 21

Pop up, Meet and Greet, Plant n Seed Exchange

September 29

Potluck Garden Talk