Upcoming events.

Innovative Organic Talk & Garden Tour
We will be going over more than one wonderful way to garden organically.
1. JADAM microbial solution and JADAM liquid fertilizer
a. What are they?
b. How to make them
c. How to use them
2. Implementation of Permaculture principles in an urban food forest
a. Swales
b. Berms/Hügelkultur
c. Creating a microclimate
d. Mulch
e. Building and nourishing the soil microbiome
f. Building your water table
g. Sunken garden
h. Keyhole garden
3. Other features of garden tour
a. Reflexology path
b. Goldfish pond
4. You will receive:
a. A handout on JADAM
b. Bring your own container to take away some JLF with you and watch the difference in your plants within days.
WHEN: Saturday, March 15 th
TIME: 9-11 am
WHERE: Renaissance Gardens
830 South Winthrop Circle, Mesa Az 85204
* Please note: The Garden Exchange Stands are only possible because of the kindness and generosity of other gardeners as we run on a donation basis at each location. In order to continue to host events and support our stands, we are asking for a small donation fee for this educational workshop. A $25.00 donation fee will be accepted by participants at the event. No need to sign up online or anything like that. All funds will go straight back to the organization. This is an outdoor event. Check your local weather before heading out.
Please read our mission/disclaimers, and find our global map on the website. Freeplantngardenstands.org
Garden Exchange Stands Org, DBA Free Plant N Garden Stands Org. Donations to 501(c)(3)organizations are tax deductible as allowed by the law. Donors should consult with their personal tax adviser regarding any personal tax deduction text deduction. EIN # 33-2449874 Thank you for the support, and together, we're bringing back gardening culture.

3rd Annual Mulberry Grafting/Propagating/Air Layering Educational Workshop
3rd annual Mulberry Grafting, Propagation & Air Layering Educational Workshop.
Join us in a beginner friendly workshop where we'll demonstrate how to graft onto a mulberry tree, propagate figs, & air layer! Get hands-on feedback and experience as you learn and practice how to graft, take a fig cutting, and propagate cutting properly. We will show you how to air layer a fig so you can make more fig trees for the future.
You will pot up (2) two figs or mulberries to take home. Everyone will receive a Kadota fig start, and we will have the seed box available if you're interested in taking home seeds for your garden.
This is an outdoor event. Check the weather before heading out.
WHEN: Saturday, March 15th
WHERE: 2328 East Juanita Avenue
Mesa, Arizona 85204 U.S.A.
TIME: 12:30 p.m-3:30 p.m
Fee $25.00
Cash or Make check out to Garden Exchange Stands Org. Part of the proceeds go to the non-profit charity.
Please read our disclaimers on the website. https://www.freeplantngardenstands.org
Garden Exchange Stands Org, DBA Free Plant N Garden Stands Org. Donations to 501(c)(3)organizations are tax deductible as allowed by the law. Donors should consult with their personal tax adviser regarding any personal tax deduction. EIN # 33-2449874 Thank you for the support, and together, we're bringing back gardening culture. It's a lifestyle.

TRELLIS & BEE HOMES Hands-on workshop
TRELLIS & BEE HOMES Hands-on workshop
Learn how to make your own trellis from using something from a home garden. Part of our mission is permaculture, so why not learn how to make a pretty trellis, bee home, and talk about our gardens while doing so.
The fee for this hands-on workshop is $15.00. All funds will be going towards the Garden Exchange Stands Org, non-profit charity. There will be a plant n seed exchange and garden tour right after this event. This is open to the general public for 1 hour and starts at 4:00 p.m. Please show up on time to get the most out of our time together.
The hosts, Ed and Rachel, have bamboo ready for you to make one 3, 4, 6, or 8 foot trellis, and one bee home.
WHEN: Sunday, March 23rd
TIME: 2- 4 p.m.
LOCATION: 6153 S Boulder St, Gilbert 85298
There will be light snacks and lemon water. Space is limited, so tap the "going" and / or send us a message with how many in your party. When full, this event will be updated in the details at the top.
Garden Exchange Stands Org, DBA Free Plant N Garden Stands Org. Donations to 501(c)(3)organizations are tax deductible as allowed by the law. Donors should consult with their personal tax adviser regarding any personal tax deduction. EIN # 33-2449874 Thank you for the support, and together, we're bringing back gardening culture. It's a lifestyle.

Gilbert Plant N Seed Exchange
Plant N Seed Exchange in Gilbert, Arizona.
Stop by with your shares for an hour long Garden Exchange. Please have your plants, cutting, and seeds labeled.
Plus, bring a container to take home any cuttings, and a sharpie, envelopes, and tape.
If you have any extra seeds or envelopes to share, we will take them and get them to the Seed Shepherds for packaging up. Thank you!
This is an outdoor event. Check the weather before heading out.
WHEN: Sunday, March 23rd
TIME: 4-5 p.m.
WHERE: 6153 South Boulder Street, Gilbert Arizona
Read our mission statement and disclaimers on our website.
Garden Exchange Stands Org, DBA Free Plant N Garden Stands Org. Donations to 501(c)(3)organizations are tax deductible as allowed by the law. Donors should consult with their personal tax adviser regarding any personal tax deduction. EIN # 33-2449874 Thank you for the support, and together, we're bringing back gardening culture. It's a lifestyle.

Love a Tree Day
Did you know that trees bring so much!
Part of our mission is permaculture. We aim to help the general public learn to practice and create self-sustanible ecosystems that minimizes waste. It can be simple if you have the tools and know how to use what is on your land in a non-destructive manner that will create biodiversity. Permaculture emphasizes building mutually beneficial relationships between different elements of a system. Thus, it is an efficient self-sustaining ecosystem.
Think about ways of using trees.
They make mulch and helps your compost or vermicompst bins. Using their old limbs in a bonfire and the wood ash is a fabulous way to keep some plants fertilized, keep away pests, and if you have a flock, they love it for a dust bath. It also absorbs smells from pet urine. Amending your soil with compost and / or wood ash that you made brings a higher self-esteem, plus you know there are no added chemicals. Doing these 2 methods helps produce food in a sustainable way.
Trees give us shade and food, helps support the wildlife, and create memories. Kids love playing on a tree swing, in a tree house, or climb up one to have lunch with a peanut butter sandwich while picking mulberries.
Hanging a hammock between 2 trees on your property creates a relaxing place to lounge. Read a book under one, have family and friends stop by for tea in the garden, or add a tree to a painting.
Some trees have carved in names, give us maple syrup, nuts, and can be a great pollinator for the wildlife.
Plus, for the bird watchers, they are a great place to see where they might raise their young. A property with trees brings a welcoming vibe and value to your home.
They are essential for mental heath, AIR, and WATER QUALITY.
Our Garden Exchange Stands have tree cutting for sharing at times. We hope to see you at one of our educational workshops someday. Together, we are bringing back gardening culture.

Handmade Soap Experience Workshop
Come along with us and Jennifer with Yellow Lark Soap Co. herbal soap, as we elevate your experience when you learn a new life skill. This is a unique and enjoyable, educational experience that you can take home and start making your own.
We will be using charcoal, moringa leaves and choose from 2 essential oils, lemongrass or peppermint.
The base for a lovey soap and what we will be using is olive oil, coconut oil, and a tallow.
We will provide all the ingredients and instructions on how to create a luxurious handmade soap.
Each participant will receive 10 ounces of 2 or more soaps.
WHEN: Saturday, March 1st
TIME: 10a.m. to 12 p.m.
Fee: $50.00
WHERE: 3817 East Hermosa Vista Drive, Mesa, Arizona
*The general public is welcome to stop by after the workshop to check out what Yellow Lark Soap Co has for sale. This will be from 12-1 p.m.
Seating is limited, sign up soon to reserve your space. Send an email or check in with the Facebook business page by commenting on the discussion or private message us.
Please read our disclaimers on the website. https://www.freeplantngardenstands.org
Garden Exchange Stands Org, DBA Free Plant N Garden Stands Org. Donations to 501(c)(3)organizations are tax deductible as allowed by the law. Donors should consult with their personal tax adviser regarding any personal tax deduction. EIN # 33-2449874 Thank you for the support, and together, we're bringing back gardening culture. It's a lifestyle.

Stop by during this 2 hour window and help package up bulk seeds for the Seed Libraries, Stands, and the Free Seed Table during events. We also keep some on hand when out and about town and share with those we meet.
Part of our mission is sustainability. We repurpose magazines, torn books or any printed paper. You'll learn how to make 3 different origami seed packets. We love talking about our gardens and seeds with new and old friends, plus this is one way to get your volunteer hours in. No need to bring anything. However, if you have bulk seeds, a stapler, cutting board, feel free to bring them to share.
There will be light snacks and lemon water. Space is limited, so tap the "going" and / or send us a message with how many in your party. When full, this event will be updated in the details at the top.
This is an outdoor event. Check the weather before heading out.
When; Sunday, February 9th
Time; 1-3 PM.
Location; Randa's humble home 3322 West Knudsen Drive, Phoenix, 85027
Please read our mission, Plant (seed) Variety Act, disclaimers and our global map on the website. Freeplantngardenstands.org
Garden Exchange Stands Org, DBA Free Plant N Garden Stands Org. Donations to 501(c)(3)organizations are tax deductible as allowed by the law. Donors should consult with their personal tax adviser regarding any personal tax deduction. EIN # 33-2449874 Thank you for the support, and together, we're bringing back gardening culture. It's a lifestyle.

Metal Plant Tags
Part of our mission is sustainable living. Let's repurpose aluminum cans and hangers into usable, long-lasting plant tags.
This is a hands-on workshop. Please bring your own gloves and a container for plant cutting to take home. And as always, we will have the Seed Box out for you to go through. We will have a fabulous time talking garden with old and new friends.
Fee is $10.00. You will help cut up cans, hangers, wire, and will leave with 5 plant tags. Either for trees or a garden bed. The letters do take time to stamp, so please don't be late.
Seating is limited, so send an email or tap the "going" icon on fb so we have a rough # for seating.
WHERE: The "city farm" homestead headquarters 1438 North 66th Place, Mesa, Arizona 85205
WHEN: Sunday, February 2nd
TIME: 3-5 p.m.
We will have lemon water. Check the weather before heading out. This is an outdoor event.
Please read our mission/disclaimers and find our global map on the website. Freeplantngardenstands.org
Garden Exchange Stands Org, DBA Free Plant N Garden Stands Org. Donations to 501(c)(3)organizations are tax deductible as allowed by the law. Donors should consult with their personal tax adviser regarding any personal tax deduction. EIN # 33-2449874 Thank you for the support, and together, we're bringing back gardening culture. It's a lifestyle.

3rd Annual Piggin on Figs
Alrighty folks! It's that time of year again. The Piggin' on Figs in AZ FB group tried planning it around other gardening events so people can schedule and attend all the good things this time of year.
We will have our Free Seed Table here, stop on by and see what others have donated, and-or bring any bulk seeds for the Seed Shepherds to get ready for the stands. To get your volunteer hours in, join our Az GE Stand Org Volunteers, and see all the opportunities to help bring back gardening culture.
This 3rd annual fig cutting sale will be having a few demonstrations on how to graft cuttings as well as how to propagate and root cuttings.
WHERE: 2043 East Hackamore Street, Mesa, Arizona U.S.A.
WHEN: Sat, February 1st
TIME: 10 a.m. -1 p.m.
This is an outdoor event. Check your local weather before heading out. Please read our mission/disclaimers and see our global map on the website. Freeplantngardenstands.org
Garden Exchange Stands Org, DBA Free Plant N Garden Stands Org. Donations to 501(c)(3)organizations are tax deductible as allowed by the law. Donors should consult with their personal tax adviser regarding any personal tax deduction text deduction. EIN # 33-2449874 Thank you for the support, and together, we're bringing back gardening culture. It's a lifestyle.

2025 National Seed Swap -Sharing @ the stands
Stay tuned for all the hosts that will participate on this day, with times and locations.

Soil Workshop
This enlightening workshop, which will be led by a local regenerative specialist, Regenerative Homesteader(Jason Tolman), partnered with the Garden Exchange Stands Org Founder and President DePhane Marcelle Weaver will focus on soil health, composting, and plants biological requirements.
Plants partner, promote, share, and consume soil microbes,
and so can we!
Defining and renewing your soil's life is the best way to start the new year and prepare for a productive growing season and abundant harvest.
Learn how to enrich your dirt by regenerating your soil's consistency and biology using what you have on your property as you learn more about permaculture and living a more regenerative lifestyle.
See Jason’s (Regenerative Homesteader’s) Permaculture projects, including homegrown superfood mushrooms and micro-greens. Learn unique growing solutions based on regenerative agriculture methods for our warmer climate.
Enjoy an entirely edible winter garden and the secrets within during the garden tour at 11:00.
++++Bring an empty jug with a lid to take home some specialized biodiverse compost tea and a container for any cuttings. Plus, 1 or 2 jars of your soil for testing.
You will leave with hands-on knowledge on how to fix simple soil issues, compost at home based on your plants' requirements, and bolster your soil's plant-parenting biology with aerated teas and compost extracts!
*Please note that this garden may contain legal, medicinal herbs that are not for sale.
DATE: Saturday, January 18th, 2025
TIME: 10:00am-12pm. Garden tour starts at 11:00
WHERE: 9419 N 11th Place, Phoenix, AZ, 85020. When parking, make sure you do not block a driveway or mailbox.
COST: $30 per person, plus a free unique gift, limited availability per day. (Compost tea formulated for summer vegetables, a $20 value), shelf life of up to 6 hours. Seeds for planting and cuttings.
Part of the funds will be going to our non-profit charity! Pay at the door. A receipt will be emailed if requested.
*This is an outdoor event. Check the weather before heading out.
*Please read our disclaimers on the website. Freeplantngardenstands.org
Garden Exchange Stands Org, DBA Free Plant N Garden Stands Org. Donations to 501(c)(3)organizations are tax deductible as allowed by the law. Donors should consult with their personal tax adviser regarding any personal tax deduction text deduction. EIN # 33-2449874 Thank you for the support and together we're bringing back gardening culture.

Learn your Seeds
When: Sunday, January 12th
Time: 2-4 PM.
Location: The "city farm" homestead headquarters 1438 North 66th Place Mesa, Arizona 85205
Stop by during this 2 hour window and "Learn your seeds"
Let's bring in the new year, meet some new gardening friends, and have fun learning our seeds. We will be repackaging them up for the Seed Libraries, Garden Exchange Stands and the upcoming events.
Part of our mission is sustainability. We will do a few different origami seed packets and show you some suggestions on how to repurpose torn books or old magazines. We love talking about our gardens and seeds with new and old friends, plus this is one way to get your volunteer hours in. No need to bring anything. If you have bulk seeds, feel free to bring them to share.
There will be light snacks and lemon water. Space is limited, so tap the "going" and / or send us a message with how many in your party. When full, this event will say that at the top. This is an outdoor event. Check the weather before heading out.

Garden Goodies Exchange/ Art Fundraiser
Check in early to see what's available at 4:15 p.m.
The silent auction will be announced at 5:15 p.m.
Where 5334 West Mohawk Lane, Glendale, Arizona 85308 U.S.A.
Stop by for a pop-up Garden Exchange along with a Silent Art Auction with some art. All proceeds go to the Free Plant N Garden Stands Org Thanks to Rohini for hosting and all her hospitality, help, donations, and time. Be prepared, have your shares labeled, envelopes/sharpies/tape/water/containers for cuttings. If you have any bulk seeds or cuttings, bring them, and we will get them to the Seed Shepherds, then we hope to get them distributed to other locations.
The Free Plant N Garden Stands org is a component fund under Legacy Global Programs (Previously known as The Charity Foundation) Donations to 501(c)(3)organizations are tax deductible as allowed by the law. Donors should consult with their personal tax adviser regarding any personal tax deduction text deduction. Please remember to read all of our disclaimers on the website before attending. Thank you for the support, and together,we're bringing back gardening culture.

Garden Art/ Wind Chimes Workshop
This will be a great time together as we make homemade garden art/wind chimes. There will be cactus carcass, interesting wood pieces, and metal to choose from for the base that it will be hung from. All the supplies are provided. However, if you have any special items you would like to add to yours or extra fun gems, metal, stones, or shells or bring them to share. Seating is limited. Sign up soon. The workshop fee is $25.00. Checks will be made out to the Organization or bring cash. The seed box will be out to look through, and some fun cuttings to take home as well.
At 4:15 to 5:15ish, there will be a Garden Goodies- Plant N Seed Exchange and an silent art auction that Rohini has for everyone. All proceeds will be going to the Free Plant N Garden Stands Organization. We will have lemon-cucumber water, and a snack. No children as this is along a lake.
This is an outdoor event. Check the weather before heading out. The Free Plant N Garden Stands org is a component fund under Legacy Global Programs (Previously known as The Charity Foundation) Donations to 501(c)(3)organizations are tax deductible as allowed by the law. Donors should consult with their personal tax adviser regarding any personal tax deduction text deduction. Thank you for the support, and together, we're bringing back gardening culture. Please read all of our disclaimers on our website before heading to an event.

Free Tree Seeds and More
The *Free Plant N Garden Stands Org have been invited to share tree seeds + with
With Unlimited Potential during their tree workshop.
WHEN: Thursday, November 14th
TIME: 5-7 p.m.
WHERE: South Mountain Community Center
212 East Alta Vista Road Phoenix, Arizona 85042 U.S.A.
We will have our Free Seed Table and will help answer gardening questions. We will show you the map of the Free Plant N Garden Stands around Arizona and beyond. The stands are open 7 days a week, daylight hours.
This educational workshop will cover
Benefits of urban trees, opportunities for neighborhood plantings, tree care, and creating tree action plans. Urban Nature will kickstart the creation of customized community forestry plans through a series of neighborhood-based workshops that put residents at the forefront of the planning process.
A new three-year project led by Arizona State University —
in partnership with community-based organizations,
municipalities, industry partners and national organizations
— will work directly with Valley residents to co-create
actionable neighborhood plans while supporting economic
This initiative will offer paid learning opportunities and paid
internships in spanish and in english for people interested
in green jobs that grow and sustain our urban tree canopy.
It also supports entrepreneurs and business owners aiming
to start or scale businesses that promote urban nature.
For more information and to register, visit their website and get plugged in.

9th Annual Arizona Honeybee Festival
Don't miss the 9th Annual Arizona Honeybee Festival this November 9, 2024.
at Paradise Valley Community College
18401 N 32n St
Phoenix, AZ
• Over 100 vendors!
• Beekeeping and Gardening Classes
• FREE! Kids Crafts
• Beekeeping Demonstrations
• Live Music All Day
Mark your calendars NOW

Garden Tour de Bird plus Free Seeds
Garden Tour de Bird
We have been invited to share seeds at 2 of the locations on this tour.
Till N Paws and Desert Dominions, please stop by and support this great organization.
Desert Rivers Audubon Society presents the Garden Tour de Bird on Saturday, November 9, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. This is your chance to see yards like yours transformed into bird-friendly habitats that are beautiful to humans, too!
Purchase or on the day of the event at the tickets in advance at $25 plus fees from Eventbrite or on the day of the event for $30 at the Adams residence, 4007 South Heather Drive, Tempe.
Learn How to Make Your Yard a Bird Haven
This self-guided tour will take you to six homes in the Tempe area that feature native landscaping: the trees, shrubs and flowers that provide food, shelter, protection and nesting sites for our Sonoran Desert birds and the insects they depend upon to survive.
Start at any house on the tour, where volunteers will point out native plants and answer your questions about growing them.
Funds raised during the tour will support the conservation and education efforts of Desert Rivers Audubon Society, the East Valley and Metro Phoenix chapter of the National Audubon Society.
The Free Plant N Garden Stands org is a component fund under Legacy Global Programs (Previously known as The Charity Foundation) Donations to 501(c)(3)organizations are tax deductible as allowed by the law. Donors should consult with their personal tax adviser regarding any personal tax deduction text deduction. Thank you for the support, and together,we're bringing back gardening culture.

Plant N Seed Swap Giveaway at Martha Cooper Library
The newly remodeled Martha Cooper Library is excited to host their Plant Swaps in one of the newly built courtyards.
Start preparing for this event and stockpile some favorite plants to share with others. A plant swap is where neighbors share, swap, or simply giveaway plants to neighbors. You might share cactus, bulbs, cereus, spider plants, pothos, mint, ect. Seeds are a wonderful share as well. From wildflowers to veggies and natives.
A few of the Plant N Garden Stands Org Hosts will be here if you need help with the map. These locations are open daylight hours, 7 days a week.
Be prepared by bringing a sharpie, tape, and a container for cuttings. The whole family is welcome to this event, see you there.
Where: Martha Cooper Library
1377 North Catalina Ave, Tucson, Arizona 85712 U.S.A.
When: Saturday, November 9th
Time; 8:30-9:30 a.m.

Oragami Seed Packet - HOW TO MAKE
Stop by and learn how to make seed packets, package up seeds, and make some new gardening friends while you get your volunteer hours in.
We will have light snacks and citrus water along with a bonfire.
Feel free to bring magazines, envelopes or paper - card stock ok, and a friend.
Enter through the garden gate (North side of the property) and say hello to the flock as you stroll on back.
Monday, November 4th from 4-6 p.m. AND Friday, November 8th, 4-6 p.m.
The “city farm” homestead headquarters
1438 North 66th Place, Mesa, Arizona U.S.A.
This is an outdoor event. Check the weather before heading out.
The Free Plant N Garden Stands org is a component fund under Legacy Global Programs (Previously known as The Charity Foundation) Donations to 501(c)(3)organizations are tax deductible as allowed by the law. Donors should consult with their personal tax adviser regarding any personal tax deduction text deduction. Please remember to read all of our disclaimers on the website before attending. Thank you for the support, and together,we're bringing back gardening culture.

T.O.G. Fall Garden Fair & our Free Seed Table
Stop by and visit us at the Tucson Organic Gardeners Fall Fair
We will have our Free Seed Table at this event. If you have any seeds to share, please bring them. As always, come prepared with envelopes, and a sharpie to take home any bulk seeds. To read our mission and disclaimers, visit our website;
Saturday, November 2, 2024 – Note no dogs allowed.
8:30 am – 2:00 pm (Note expanded hours).
Arizona State School for the Deaf and Blind –
1200 W. Speedway Blvd. Tucson, Arizona 85745 U.S.A.
Free admission.
Locally grown plants & seeds -vegetables/herbs/flowers/native plants
Organic compost, fertilizers & garden supplies
Gardening & composting advice
Proceeds benefit Tucson Organic Gardeners, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization

Free Seed Table at Fairgrounds Neighborhood Party
Free Seed Table at Fairgrounds Neighborhood Party
When; Saturday, October 26th Time; 6pm
Where; 301 East Aviation Drive
at La Mariposa Park, Tucson, Arizona
The Free Seed Table will be at this event.
Stop by with the whole family, and meet your hosts and neighbors.
Bring any bulk seeds or seeds from your garden to share.
Have them labeled, extra envelopes, and a sharpie.
The Free Plant N Garden Stands org is a component fund under Legacy Global Programs (Previously known as The Charity Foundation) Donations to 501(c)(3)organizations are tax deductible as allowed by the law. Donors should consult with their personal tax adviser regarding any personal tax deduction text deduction. Thank you for the support, and together,we're bringing back gardening culture.

Tucson Tour of the Stands
Tucson Plant N Seed Exchange, plus fun painting/planting.
When; Saturday, October 26th
Time: start at 9. There are 7 locations. Please check the details before heading out for any last-minute changes.
You will be in for a surprise at each location.
How it works; Stop by one or all during the time at each location & carpool.
Be prepared, have your shares labeled, envelopes/sharpies/tape/water/containers for cuttings, and a handwritten list of the locations.
If you have any bulk seeds or cuttings, bring them, and we will get them to the Seed Shepherds. Then, we hope to get them distributed to other locations that were not able to participate this time. Pack a lunch and stay hydrated.
The Free Plant N Garden Stands org is a component fund under Legacy Global Programs (Previously known as The Charity Foundation) Donations to 501(c)(3)organizations are tax deductible as allowed by the law. Donors should consult with their personal tax adviser regarding any personal tax deduction text deduction. Thank you for the support, and together,we're bringing back gardening culture. https://www.freeplantngardenstands.org/
This is an outdoor event. Check the weather before heading out.
9:00-9:30 Wisteria Way 6941 S. Terry 85746
9:45-10:25 Cholla Bud Basin 2435 W. 36th St., Skeleton Planter Painting
10:40-11:10 Avant Garden 1731 S. Richey Blvd.
11:25-11:55 Barrio Garden 718 S. 7th Ave. 85701, Rock Painting
12:05-1:00 Hollywood Mermaid 1022 W. Eerie, Garden Tour & Seed Exchange
1:10-1:40 Thyme Market 1419 W. Riverview
2:00-2:30 Beautiful Things 3607 N. Camino de Oeste, Succulent Planting

Learn the Benefits of Trees Workshop
The *Free Plant N Garden Stands Org has been invited to share tree seeds + with
With Unlimited Potential during their benefits of trees workshop.
WHEN: Thursday, October 24th
TIME: 5-7 p.m.
WHERE: Spaces of Opportunity
1200 West Vineyard Road, Phoenix, Arizona 85041 U.S.A.
We will have our Free Seed Table and can help answer gardening questions, and show you the map of the Free Plant N Garden Stands around Arizona and beyond. They are open 7 days a week, daylight hours.
This educational workshop will cover
Benefits of urban trees, opportunities for neighborhood plantings, tree care, and creating tree action plans. Urban Nature will kickstart the creation of customized community forestry plans through a series of neighborhood-based workshops that put residents at the forefront of the planning process.
A new three-year project led by Arizona State University —
in partnership with community-based organizations,
municipalities, industry partners and national organizations
— will work directly with Valley residents to co-create
actionable neighborhood plans while supporting economic
This initiative will offer paid learning opportunities and paid
internships in spanish and in english for people interested
in green jobs that grow and sustain our urban tree canopy.
It also supports entrepreneurs and business owners aiming
to start or scale businesses that promote urban nature.
For more information and to register, visit their website and get plugged in.

Baseline Flowers Fall Garden Market/Free Seed Table
We have been invited to have our Free Seed Table at the Baseline Flower Fall Garden Market.
When; Sunday, October 20th
Time; 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Where; 3801 East Baseline Road, Phoenix, Arizona 85042 U.S.A.
If you have any bulk seeds, feel free to bring them for sharing or donate them, and we will get them to our Seed Shepherds for packaging up to share at the locations.
Baseline Flowers is a family-owned and operated business, established in the 1950s by Hiroshi "Nick" Nakagawa. Originally a vegetable and flower farm, the family eventually sold much of the land and now ships in many flowers from throughout the U.S. We are part of the historic “Japanese Flower Farms” of South Phoenix, an area where 7 Japanese American families farmed vegetables and flowers after WWII. The area was a major tourist attraction throughout the 1960s and 1970s because of the many acres of flowers blooming in the desert, just miles from central Phoenix. Today, Baseline Flowers is the last remaining flower shop from that era. Please see their video on their website that tells a bit about their history!
We are a full-service florist and gift shop and hand-deliver premium floral arrangements. We believe flowers bring joy to people's lives and help strengthen relationships, give love and support, and celebrate and memoralize life’s special moments.
With Same Day Delivery in the Phoenix, Arizona area, we are dedicated to helping you find the perfect flowers to deliver your message and enhance your special occasion. Our stunning arrangements will allow nature’s beauty to inspire your special moment. And because we are a local florist, we are dedicated to your complete satisfaction.
The Free Plant N Garden Stands org is a component fund under Legacy Global Programs (Previously known as The Charity Foundation) Donations to 501(c)(3)organizations are tax deductible as allowed by the law. Donors should consult with their personal tax adviser regarding any personal tax deduction text deduction. Thank you for the support, and together,we're bringing back gardening culture.

Roller Derby Garden Free Seed Exchange
Let's get together for another Free Seed Exchange!
If you have seeds feel free to bring and share. If not, we hope we have something you have been looking for.
10 a.m. to noon at the
Roller Derby Garden
798 North Picacho Street
Casa Grande, Arizona U.S.A.
The Free Plant N Garden Stands Org is a component fund under Legacy Global Programs (Previously known as The Charity Foundation) Donations to 501(c)(3) organizations are tax deductible as allowed by the law. Donors should consult with their personal tax adviser regarding any personal tax deduction. Thank you for the support, and together, we're bringing back gardening culture.

East Valley Plant and Seed Exchange at the Stands
When: Saturday, October 12th, 2024
Time: starts at 8:30 a.m.
1st stop is Renaissance Gardens 830 South Winthrop Circle, Mesa
Garden tour.
2nd stop 10:00 a.m. Let it Grow Let it Grow
155 South Norwalk Circle, Mesa
3rd stop 11:00 a.m. The “city farm” homestead headquarters
1438 North 66th Place, mesa
4th and final stop 12:30 Seeds N Sprouts 5039 East 10th Avenue, Apache Junction
Stop by one or all during the time at each location & carpool.
Check the details the day before to make sure there are no changes.
Make a handwritten or print out the route.
Be prepared, have your shares labeled, envelopes/sharpies/tape/water/containers for cuttings..ect..
If you have any bulk seeds or cuttings, bring them and we hope to get them to the Seed Shepherds, then we hope to get them distributed to other locations that were not able to participate this time.
The Free Plant N Garden Stands org is a component fund under Legacy Global Programs (Previously known as The Charity Foundation) Donations to 501(c)(3)organizations are tax deductible as allowed by the law. Donors should consult with their personal tax adviser regarding any personal tax deduction text deduction. Thank you for the support, and together, we're bringing back gardening culture
This is an outdoor event. Check the weather before heading out.

Wind Chime Workshop
When: Friday, October 11th
Time: 5-7 P.M.
Where: The “city farm” homestead headquarters
*Free Plant N Garden Stand Org
1438 North 66th Place Mesa, Arizona 85205 U.S.A.
This will be a great time together as we make a
homemade wind chime.
There will be cactus carcass, interesting wood pieces and metal to choose from for the base that it will be hung from.
All the supplies are provided for a donation of $25.00. However, if you have any special items you would like to add to yours or extra fun gems, metal, stones or shells or bring them to share.
Checks will be made out to the organization or bring cash.
The seed box will be out to look through, and some fun cuttings to take home as well.
We will have lemon-cucumber water, and a snack along with a bonfire and roasted marshmallows. If the weather permits.
This is an outdoor event. Check the weather before heading out.
*The Free Plant N Garden Stands Org is a component fund under Legacy Global Programs (Previously known as The Charity Foundation) Donations to 501(c)(3)organizations are tax deductible as allowed by the law. Donors should consult with their personal tax adviser regarding any personal tax deduction text deduction. Thank you for the support, and together, we're bringing back gardening culture.

Benefits of Urban Trees Workshop
The *Free Plant N Garden Stands Org have been invited to share tree seeds + with
With Unlimited Potential during their Benefits of urban trees workshop.
WHEN: Thursday, October 10th
TIME: 5-7 p.m.
WHERE: South Mountain Community Center
212 East Alta Vista Road Phoenix, Arizona 85042 U.S.A.
We will have our Free Seed Table and can help answer gardening questions, and show you the map of the Free Plant N Garden Stands around Arizona and beyond. They are open 7 days a week, daylight hours.
This educational workshop will cover
Benefits of urban trees, opportunities for neighborhood plantings, tree care, and creating tree action plans. Urban Nature will kickstart the creation of customized community forestry plans through a series of neighborhood-based workshops that put residents at the forefront of the planning process.
A new three-year project led by Arizona State University —
in partnership with community-based organizations,
municipalities, industry partners and national organizations
— will work directly with Valley residents to co-create
actionable neighborhood plans while supporting economic
This initiative will offer paid learning opportunities and paid
internships in spanish and in english for people interested
in green jobs that grow and sustain our urban tree canopy.
It also supports entrepreneurs and business owners aiming
to start or scale businesses that promote urban nature.
For more information and to register visit their website and get plugged in.

Plant Seed Exchange & Garden Tour
Stop by one or all during the time at each location & carpool.
Check the details the day before to make sure there are no changes. This is an outdoor event. Check the weather before heading out.
Make a handwritten or print out the route.
NOTE; 2 garden tours, 1st & last stop.
Be prepared, have your shares labeled, envelopes/sharpies/tape/water/containers for cuttings..ect..
If you have any bulk seeds or cuttings, bring them and we hope to get them to the Seed Shepherds, then we hope to get them distributed to other locations that were not able to participate this time.
1st stop 8:30 am Cambridge Manor 14076 Cambridge Ave. Goodyear
*Garden Tour & Plant N Seed Exchange
2nd stop 10:00 am Bee Joyful 4104 West Villa Linda Dr. Glendale
3rd stop 11:00 am Witch Momma’s Garden Stand 6118 West Tierra Buena Ln, Glendale
4th Stop 11:50 Sunflower Dreams Garden 5440 West Shaw Butte Drive, Glendale
5th stop 12:35 am Plant Parenthood 8802 West Ruth Ave. Peoria
1:30 is the last stop and a Garden Tour. Behind the Pines 8332 North 105th Lane, Peoria
*The Free Plant N Garden Stands Org is a component fund under Legacy Global Programs (Previously known as The Charity Foundation) Donations to 501(c)(3)organizations are tax deductible as allowed by the law. Donors should consult with their personal tax adviser regarding any personal tax deduction text deduction. Thank you for the support, and together, we're bringing back gardening culture

National Nite Out - Cedar Park, TX
Guess what? The Cedar Park Sharing Plant Stand is getting in on the National Night Out action this year, and we want YOU to be part of the fun - Save the date: October 1st from 6 - 9 PM!!
We’re planning a plant swap and would love to have some fantastic activities for both kids and adults. If you offer face painting, balloon animals, costumed character appearances, or live music, we’d be thrilled to have you join us! Let’s make this an annual tradition! CPPD may stop by too!
Want to set up a stand with planty things or something else fun? Let me know and we’ll see if it’s a good fit!
Want to help out but you’re busy? You can still contribute by dropping off plant swap items, giveaway goods, monetary support, or food and drinks. Just message me for drop-off details!
Get ready for a night of excitement, surprises, and fun you won’t want to miss! Other plant stand owners are welcome to join us too! Save the date: October 1st from 6 - 9 PM!
We hope to see you there!

Potluck Garden Talk
We will have the Free Seed Table at the
Desert Inspired Gardeners (D.I.G.) group.
Jean Buckborough started this group and has been gathering garden friends for around 10 years at their homes. They inspire others to adapt to our environment and develop the skills that will make us successful growers. This yard is a great way to see how container gardening is done.
Please join us and bring your shares labeled, if possible. Along with a dish to share.
We look forward to meeting new gardening friends and seeing old ones.
It will be fun to see everyone after our Summer hiatus.
Please email the host with how many will be attending as setting is limited.
EMAIL Marlene the humble host;
When: Sunday, September 29th
Where: 711 North 81st Place, Mesa, Arizona U.S.A.
Time: 5-7 p.m.
The Free Plant N Garden Stands org is a component fund under Legacy Global Programs (Previously known as The Charity Foundation) Donations to 501(c)(3)organizations are tax deductible as allowed by the law. Donors should consult with their personal tax adviser regarding any personal tax deduction text deduction. Thank you for the support, and together, we're bringing back gardening culture

Fall Seed Exchange @ Blooming Ranch
Download the blooming Ranch FREE Seed Cards here: https://bloomingaz.com/.../blooming-ranch-fall-seed.../
Saving garden seeds is an essential part of gardening. It allows us to preserve plant varieties that do the best in our unique environments. Additionally, saving seeds gives us self-reliance and promotes a local food community as well as long-term food security.
Sharing seeds and cuttings is a time-honored way of connecting one garden to another through a string of friendships, stories, and gatherings.
Come share your seeds or just come home with some. We want to share the bounty of our gardens with each other.
Free Activities include:
• Making Plant Markers
• Painting Garden Signs
• Learning Plant Propagation
• Making Seed Envelopes
We will have the Free Seed Table as well. You can learn all about our exciting organization that you can be a part of to help encourage gardening throughout your neighborhood.
Feel free to contact us for more info.

Pop up, Meet and Greet, Plant n Seed Exchange
Pop up Meet & Greet Plant N Seed Exchange with one of our supporters Rillito’s Nursery & Garden Center
WHEN: Saturday, September 21st
TIME: 1:00-2:00 PM
WHERE: Rillito Nursery & Garden Center
6303 North La Cholla Boulevard
Tucson, Arizona 85741 U.S.A.
We will be meeting in their northeast parking lot. Look for our sign.
We’re doing a POP-Up Meet & Greet Plant N Seed Exchange for one hour.
Bring your shares labeled if possible and be prepared. Have envelopes/sharpies/tape/water/containers for cuttings..ect..
If you have any bulk seeds or cuttings, bring them and we hope to get them distributed to other locations.
Rillito’s will have a great selection for your fall gardens. Stop by and shop before or after.
The Free Plant N Garden Stands org is a component fund under Legacy Global Programs (Previously known as The Charity Foundation) Donations to 501(c)(3)organizations are tax deductible as allowed by the law. Donors should consult with their personal tax adviser regarding any personal tax deduction text deduction. Thank you for the support and together we're bringing back gardening culture
This is an outdoor event. Check the weather before heading out.

Pima County Master Gardener & *Free Plant N Garden Stands Org Propagation Workshop Sponsors Botanical Interest, Epic Gardening and Rillito Nursery & Garden Center
Cost: $30 for adults; kids 12 and under are free. We will accept cash or checks at the door. This includes admission, the class, a potted seed and cutting start to take home, and education at each station.
This educational workshop will teach you all the skills you need to propagate seeds and cuttings successfully. Master Gardeners and other Community Experts will be on hand to teach you and answer all your propagation questions.
We will have seven stations. You can pick and choose what interests you the most or do them all.
Cutting Propagation Station: anytime, come and go
Propagate a fig or Shangri-la mulberry tree from a cutting. We all also share information on how and when to collect cuttings.
Seed Propagation Station: anytime, come and go
Choose seeds to plant in a pot and take home. Learn what soil works best and when to plant in the ground.
Seed Storage & Tips Class: 9:15- 9:45 & 10:15-10:45
This presentation will cover seed handling and answer questions such as whether you need to stratify your seeds and how to do this, how to tell if your seeds are viable, and how to identify seeds for this season. We will also discuss Orthodox and Recalcitrant seeds and how to ship seeds.
Harvesting seeds – Garden tour: Starts every half hour
This will be an MG lead tour of our demonstration gardens, where we showcase how we harvest seeds from our garden.
The Value of a Tree Station: anytime, come and go
Learn all about the value of trees. We will share tips on where to plant trees on a property to shade your home and cut back on energy costs, as well as lots of other fun tree facts.
Seed Matching Game: anytime, come and go
Come and see how many plants you know by their seed.
Free Seed Table
*The Free Plant N Garden Stands Org is a component fund under Legacy Global Programs (Previously known as The Charity Foundation) Donations to 501(c)(3)organizations are tax deductible as allowed by the law. Donors should consult with their personal tax adviser regarding any personal tax deduction text deduction. Thank you for the support and together we're bringing back gardening culture
Bring your flower seed shares while we talk tips and tricks to get the best results.
Be prepared, bring a sharpie, envelopes, and friends that love to grow flowers.
David Thomas, the host of the Cambridge Manor Gardening Stand, will be doing a tropical garden tour as well. There will be 4 yards of mulch and 2 yards of compost from the Arizona Worm Farm for this event. Thank you!
Please bring your own container.
There will be pulled pork and coleslaw served at 7 PM. Feel free to bring a side dish, not required.